It extends the capabilities of your Python code by enabling interactions with command-line programs and the execution of GUI interfaces. With subprocess, you can integrate Python with command-line apps, utilize code from C or C++ programs, and even run applications from git repositories. It allows seamless execution of external programs, scripts, or system commands. Subprocess in Python is a powerful module that enables you to launch and manage new processes directly from your Python scripts. Additionally, processes can spawn new processes, enabling complex interactions within a program or between multiple programs. Operating systems handle the scheduling of processes, ensuring fair execution and resource allocation. They can interact and communicate with other processes, enabling collaboration and coordination.

Processes have their own allocated resources, such as memory and file handles, and operate independently with their own state and data. It represents an active entity engaged in executing specific instructions and performing computations. In the world of computers, a process refers to an instance of a program running on an operating system. Something isn't right in my setup and need help.Before we dive into the details of the Python subprocess module, let’s understand what a process in Operating System is. (I have tried everything I can find in StackExchange and don't feel like this is a duplicate because I still can't get it to work. I've followed details outlined in other posts, like this one and this one, but something is preventing it from working for me. What I'd like to have happen is a "DONE" printed immediately after issuing the rsync command and for the transfer to start. What happens is this.I can watch the transfer on the server and when it's finished, then I get a "DONE" printed to the screen. Obviously, I would run the script with the right line uncommented.) (I've commented out the execution commands only because I'm actually keeping all of my trials in my code so that I know what I've done and what I haven't done. #os.system(rsync_cmd2) # This doesn't work #os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, rsync_path, rsync_args) # This doesn't work #os.execv(rsync_path, rsync_args) # This doesn't work #subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(rsync_cmd)) # This doesn't work #subprocess.Popen(rsync_cmd, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True) # This doesn't work #subprocess.Popen(rsync_cmd2, shell=True) # Adding my own shell "&" to background it, still fails

#subprocess.Popen(rsync_cmd, shell=True) # This is supposed to be the solution but not for me #subprocess.call(rsync_cmd, shell=True) # This isn't supposed to work but I tried it

Sample code: rsync_cmd = "/usr/bin/rsync -a -e 'ssh -i /home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa' ".format(remote_user, remote_server, file1, file1)) My goal is simple: kick off rsync and DO NOT WAIT.