Once you start connecting things that draw current, and that includes connecting things to draw current from the "5V" pin, you are playing with fire - or not! This is even worse for the Mega as it has more pins to connect things to!

The "Vin" pin or in fact the "barrel jack" which is the same with a diode, was provided to demonstrate the Arduino. Essentially nothing else as the regulator, whatever its rated capacity, has no effective heatsink and will overheat and (hopefully safely) shut down if required to provide more current than the microcontroller itself and a few indicator LEDs at 10 or 20 mA each. This is true - there is a regulator on the board and it can be used under limited circumstances to power the Arduino board and only the Arduino board. The confusion is encouraged by descriptions in the Arduino references that there is an on-board regulator on these boards. This was the official information I've been working from I understood that an Arduino Uno r3 can accept any voltage from 6-20v and that the recommended input was 12v?